Free Somebody by Luna |Music Review|

It had been a long time coming, but Luna has finally released her first solo debut album. I know that the rumors of her solo debut were floating around late last year, so when it was finally announced that she was indeed having a debut, I was ecstatic. I had been listening to F(x) for quite sometime now, and out of the group, Luna’s vocals were the ones that really stuck out for me.

It seems that SM went with a more photoshop cover again. I’m not the biggest fan, but I don’t not like it either. It could have been a bit more creative and colorful, to match Luna’s personality but, meh. It’s the songs that count, yes?

1. Free Somebody

This is the title song of the album and is best described as electric pop dance. The beginning of the song, which is a slight jazzy upbeat solo piano opening, really starts it off. It then quickly goes into a funky type of groove (sliiiight 70s influence), having the bass, drums, and the electronic sounds come in. I love that they also mixed in an influence of 90s early 2000s in this song, instead of 80s, because I feel that if they did that, it would have been too repetitive (seeing as every other idol/group have been doing that genre). Luna’s vocals shine in this song especially during the chorus, where she lets her vocal colors really belt out, but she keeps them in reign, making sure not to over do it (but let’s be honest, diva Luna would be uhh-mazing).

I particularly really like the consistent beat that makes the song really have that feet tapping repetitiveness, especially during the chorus, which actually has the beat drop out during the first part and then comes in full blast during the second and is also the most addictive part of the entire song. The dance breaks are able to give some room for Luna to make some vocal runs, but not a lot to the point of over exaggeration. I will say that I thought that Luna was going to belt that last Free Somebody, or at least hold the note, but alas, it didn’t happen; I was hoping also for some amazing vocal runs, but honestly, after listening to this song a couple of times, I realized that they would have no place in a song like this. So I think they made a good decision to hold off on having her belt/vocal run in this song as a good idea.

The lyrics (I know I know I know I know, deep inside your heart, It’s there it’s there it’s there it’s there, a dream that you’ve always had, I know I know I know I know, throw yourself, now let’s go crazy about the world for once) are basically about wanting to set somebody free, have them do what they want to do and not limit themselves to just the easy things. Ya know, be yourself and have fun doing what you love.

It’s cool Luna, you can set me free (but my mom says I have to be home by midnight).

The music video is something else, like a ‘whaattt is this’ kinda place. It’s takes place on a set (durrr) and actually switches from live people to animated people (think the Simpson’s but…prettier?) which, I’ll be honest, kinda freaked me out a bit, but after watching it a second (100th) time, I came to realize that this is exactly something that Luna would do. It’s funky, its different, its colorful and it matches her personality to a T. It shows Luna with her dancers in front of an elevator then will switch to Luna and a guy in the elevator. During one of the scenes, it shows all the different sets (a table is brought in for some dining) also a disco ball to represent a party like scene and some other scenes that are really colorful and adventurous.

Rating: 5/5

2. Breathe

This song starts with an echo like sound that comes at you then suddenly it becomes quite except for the snapping, electronic piano and Luna’s vocals. It starts off a bit slow, so it gives it a bit of a faux ballad like sound, but then once it hits the chorus, it turns more upbeat, with the synths, drums, and electronic beats. I read somewhere that it is described as ‘trip hop’ which I have NEVER heard of before…Look at you Luna, creating a whole new sound, my baby is all grown up now….

Luna’s vocals tend to stick to her lower register, which adds to the overall mood of the song, which is slightly darker than the previous. The lyrics (Where everyone has passed on by, this is where I alone am stopped, but now the raindrops that knock on the windows, hide the pain gathering in my eyes, it’s just like a warm bosom) are quite beautiful and talk about making new memories. Personally, these types of songs really allow Luna to shine vocally, so having this type of song was nice to hear.

Rating: 5/5

3. Keep On Doin’

Starting with a synth/auto tuned voice, which then jumps into Luna and a more funky beat.  The melody is really what stands out, it has that slight 70s disco funk influence throughout the entire song and adds to Luna’s strong explosive vocals (which she shows off a bit more, holding that one particular long note). I particularly like the chorus, which is the most addictive part and the part that has those really cool synth like sounds in the background that add to the song and gives it that cool faux disco like element. Along with Luna’s amazing vocals, she also has a slight (and I mean slight) quick rap, talk part.

The lyrics (Dye it with your color, color this black and white world, draw a sketched dream, you just keep on doin’ doin’ what you do) are all about being yourself, even when there are people trying to get you down, just keep on doing what you love doing.

Rating: 5/5

4.예쁜 소녀(I Wish)

This is the first song in the album that was composed by Luna. It starts off a bit slow with some rain like effects and low talking. It has some r&b beats, Luna’s soft vocals and harmonization to help give out a more rounded out sound. It is best described as being r&b, electronic, has a slight pop sound and also a slight hint of waltz like elements in it. While it is not upbeat it is also not a ballad, so it allows a nice mixture of drums, synths and  allows Luna’s vocals to shine and I like the way she gives it a more staccato like effect. It is a more simple type of song, but Luna still manages to make it sound like a grand event with her more harmonized vocals and melodies.

Rating: 4/5

5. Galaxy

This song is pretty upbeat, it starts off with an incoming of a synth like echo and has an intergalactic like sound, if that makes sense. It’s a nice upbeat tempo with some slight hints of urban r&b with the electric like piano beats, the bass  (I can also hear a slight acoustic guitar in there during the verses, giving it a nice clean sound) and then when it goes to the chorus, it takes a more dance like approach. Luna’s vocals take on more experimental approaches, such as having her voice being synthesized and lots of echoes following her vocals runs which just adds to the whole sound and concept of the song.

The lyrics (Go along the long aurora lined path, past the still and dark tunnel, open the door to the last dimension, and spill a bright bright light) are on the fun side and create a nice picture to the song.

Rating: 4/5

6. My Medicine

This is the second song in the album that was composed by Luna. It is best described as an r&b semi slow ballad. It has the typical like beat, bass and piano to finish the song. It is also a song type of letter that is dedicated to her mom. Luna’s vocals take on a nice almost husky like pitch, especially during the verses (while in the chorus she goes to her higher register) and there are also some harmonies throughout the song, that really add to the emotions and feelings to the song.

The lyrics (You would find me cute even when I would often play the baby, I said I loved you, what do I do when I want to see you more) are pretty much accounting to her young life with her mother. It produces a nice sweet sound and images.

Rating: 5/5

Overall Review:

I am going to be honest here: this album has been LONG overdue. Seriously, it really kinda pisses me off that SM decides to pay more attention to the more ‘popular’ artists, rather than the ones that they really should be paying attention to and have the drive to perform and really only give it to the ones who are more ‘liked’ in the idol world (in no way am I bashing those idols though. It’s just that they are either over worked and they look like they are about to faint from having to perform so much; their voices are starting to not get any better just worse the longer they use them live and sometimes, they don’t bring anything to the stage, they just are there because they are ‘pretty’ or ‘handsome’; in terms of SOLO acts, not group acts mind you. Sometimes an idol/singer does much better in a group). So you can imagine my excitement when it was finally announced that Luna was going to get the album she deserved.

Luna had caught my attention since I first heard/listened to F(x). She (along side Krystal) were really the ones that caught my attention first, vocal wise and just personality wise. She is always seen smiling, even during times when she probably was feeling like crap. She doesn’t take advantage of her fans, and makes sure to acknowledge them as much as she can. And it doesn’t hurt the fact that the girl can sing like a freaking angel, I mean her voice can range from pop singer/idol to freaking soprano opera! (Have you SEEN her on Masked King??) Like what, what??

I do like that Luna was able to display her vocals in this album yes, but I do wish that they allowed her to really let loose; like powerhouse loose. But at the same time, this is her first album, and I’m hoping (PRAYING) that SM is going to allow her to have another hopefully sometime next year (or at least some more SM Station stuff, solo or not) to allow her to just really bring out her colorful vocals. I particularly liked that they just didn’t make Luna stick to just one sound, she brought out different tones to her voice: high, low, she created harmonies, and they also experimented with some synth sounds to give some more definition to her singing. I also liked how each song brought out a little bit of a story and goodness to people (ie: wanting to free somebody; wanting to make sure to stay true to yourself ect ect..). It also makes for a really good road trip album!

Personally, I think that this was a pretty good solo debut for Luna. And I am pretty sure that people thought that she was going to do more of either pop or ballad like sounds, but it has been said that Luna actually likes this type of music more, so it was nice to hear that SM allowed her to do her type of music not theirs. She was able to give different sounds in each song that ranged from pop to dance to ballad to r&b; and personally, she excelled in all of those sounds and made some really great (and somewhat life changing) songs.

So nice job Luna, you definitely set me free.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

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